movies are about more than weinstein and the milk dud caper. we need to wake up and pay attention to the culture so we can be part of making the culture, not just consuming it.
since most people in the 20th century learned more from movies than books, (marx commented on this, didn't he) a word on movies.
The slogan "the only verdict is vengeance" is a less remembered motto of "V for Vendetta. at one point V observes that everything is connected.
The concept of a green card--the weird idea that any government has the right to slaughter and jail a population which they encounter, and then set up borders around the land they have stolen--is not new. neither is the idea of draconian governments and the ancient warning of God to the jews, that he would give them the king they asked for but they would not like it much.
"Green Card" is a movie from 1990 staring Depardieu who went on to star in "Tais Toi" which of course also features Jean Reno who starred in Matilda, This movie features Natalie portman who in addition to starring in star wars based partially on LOTR, was in V for Vendetta. All of these films are connected to the history of the Valanga di Vita and its constructive goal,(really the goal of all people on earth) asylum and permanent residence in Paraidse.
Pier Paolo Pasolini who wrote "i Giovanni infelici" which in some ways was our manifesto, often spoke of a cinema of poetry. Pasolini was disappointed that it was so difficult to make a living writing poetry in the 20th century, as that had been his first hope when he was publishing notebooks of poetry written in the dialect of Fruili. Perhaps had he been as fortunate as Tolkien he could have secured a postion at some university, but his behavior and clashes with the church, (which are too complex to get into here), made that impossible. Yes, the G card, for permanent residence in Paradise.
A somewhat anarchy-flavored variation of the freedom dividend based on Acts 4:32, this universal paradise asylum is the pet project of Leon's Landslide of Life, as it were.
Because ever since we got ejected from the garden (or perhaps, tricked into leaving) we have been trying to get back to financial freedom in the truest sense of the word, the world before the fall.

E' vero che Iddio vuole porgere a tutti quanti una carta "G" per "Giardino di Paradiso".
Ma ognuno deve scegiere se la vuole, e poi salire alla vetta di Monte Carmine.