in honor of klee's resurrection three am, even earlier than the iconic scene in nicholson's as good as it gets, dud forced gemmy to acompany her to the door of the engelbrott bakery. the sunday ciambelle are about as good as it gets, she remarked to the miffed gemz. and unlike netlix we dont have to pay. yeah but you should said gemz. priests gotta eat too.i got that covered said dud whipping out some G cards.these are preloaded with doughnut credit.

the bakery door had been blown off and some ride sharing angels were standing around.

Over on myrtle, The usual publication of the jail house rag "vanity plate fabuzzo" which is a sort of a TMZ insert into the Valanga Vuvuzela, had been delayed by a squabble in the ranks.
Apirl's edition was supposed to feature the graduation roster of Uriel's along with some other administrative fluff, but as Pope frank had been busy rearranging the Vatican first families into "dicasteires" a biff broke out between Ganswein, Clooney and the ghost of Frassati as to who really was "bel giorgio" or "gorgeous George".
While Georg was secretly a smidge flattered that he was the first priest to be featured in a versace runway, and frassati absolutely wanted nothing to do with it and was in the prison making placas along with the other inmates, Clooney was arguing with the editor. Look --I'm the real gorgeous george, let's not get ridiculous, he blustered. Am I or am I not a lake como mobster?